Perceived Barriers to Becoming Research Active (Dr Sarah Amsler)

The 2nd meeting of Women into Research started to deconstruct and develop some ideas about what we mean by perceived barriers to research. This excellent session was led by Sarah Amsler in the School of Education, where she highlighted a number of both structural and interpersonal issues that may affect women’s contributions to research activities. You can find Sarah’s slides by following the link below

Amsler S Women into Research – Perceived barriers to becoming research active

Sarah also provided an extensive reading list from which she drew from (see below)

Women into Research – becoming research active (reading list)

If you have any comments about this Action Learning Set please write in the comments below

Seminar 1 Why Research? Professor Sara Owen 28th January 2015

Venue MB3203

Part of the University of Lincoln’s ambition is for all academic staff to be research active, meeting a minimum standard for research. The University expects that by the end of 2016 at least 60% of academic staff will be recognised as having a research profile of at least 2.5*, moving to more than 75% by 2021. The task is how to encourage this. This seminar will provide an overview of the main reasons behind these goals, what the University has put in place in order to achieve them.

Sara’s slides are available below

Women into Research Jan 2015-01-28