1. Barriers to becoming research active 17th FEB Dr Aylwyn Walsh

There were several areas discussed by women in the first session, as they engaged with what could be perceived or actual barriers to getting into research. Some of the points fit across categories, and almost all are field specific, or need some thinking across disciplines. Please see a more detailed set of notes

Notes from the session Women into Research

You can also access the slides below

Session 1 Women into research presentation 2016

Please also see a reading list

Session 1 Women-into-Research-becoming-research-active-reading-list

I look forward to meeting you all again next time where we will hearing about Why research? (16th MAR) with Professor Sara Owen.


2016 Women into Research

Following on from a successful Women into Research seminar series in 2015, we are happy to introduce the 2016 series to encourage more women, at different levels in their career, to contribute to the success of the university through research, publications and Research Excellence Framework (REF) submissions. Women Into Research have set-up a number of seminars and learning events designed to explore facilitators and barriers associated with women pursuing research in their particular areas. Seminars and learning events will be facilitated by research active academics, who pursue research as part of their role at work. The seminars and discussions will concentrate on the practicalities of doing research, alongside other academic duties. Consideration of personal, intersubjective, institutional and external effects on women researchers will be addressed. We will try to understand how, where and by whom facilitators can be improved, to encourage more women to take up the mantle of becoming research active, including attracting internal and external funding, publishing, being a part of the Research Excellence Framework submission process and of course enhance personal development and promotion. The trajectory of the sessions will be a research ‘start to finish’ format to illustrate how research active academics can succeed in balancing the many competing demands in their roles at the university, while fulfilling their full potential leading to, we hope, a more successful academic career, more effective research led teaching and contribution to the reputation of the university.
For more information please contact: Dr Zowie Davy zdavy@lincoln.ac.uk you can also visit the Website https://womenintoresearch.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/ for information, discussion and more.

1. Perceived barriers to becoming research active (17th FEB) Dr Aylwyn Walsh.
2. Why research? (16th MAR) Professor Sara Owen.
3. Getting started with or without research funding (20th APR) Dr Zowie Davy.
4. Successful proposals (18th MAY) Dr Leslie Hicks.
5. Working within a Research Group/Centre (29th JUN) Dr Jo Middlemass & Ms Despina Laparidou.
6. Collaborative processes in research (13th JUL) Mrs Basabdatta Bhattacharya.
7. Writing-up, dissemination and choosing a Journal (28th SEP) Dr Zowie Davy.
8. Career Progression (19th OCT) Human Resources.
9. Research Excellence Framework (REF) (30th NOV) Dr Karen Windle.
10. Christmas: Future thoughts, ideas and networking (14th DEC).

You can download the following document to see where the events will take place

Women into Research Programme – 2016 (2)